Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Through the research I have done, my opinion that NFL players are not overpaid has actually been strengthened. In fact, because of my research I actually feel that most NFL players are actually underpaid. What?  Making millions of dollars is being underpaid? Yes, I believe they are being underpaid even though most are making millions of dollars a year.
I don’t believe that all NFL players are underpaid, however I feel that rookies and younger players are underpaid while some veterans and the best players are overpaid.  Through  research I learned that NFL players that have just been drafted get a three-year contract that they can’t negotiate, no matter how well they play, until after those three years are finished.  Unfortunately for most players, they don’t finish those three years and that is all they make for their entire NFL career.

Why do rookie contracts last for three years when a player is only a rookie for one year?  A player who makes a major contribution to the team in his rookie year will still make the same amount of money for the next three years no matter how well he plays, even if he makes Rookie of the Year!  And if he is injured before he can negotiate a new contract he may leave the NFL and never make the amount of money he deserves, or even close to how much he made for the team in sales for tickets, jerseys, and other items.  Rookie contracts should last for just their rookie year so players can earn the money they deserve while they can still play. Instead of team salary caps, that hurt some players while benefitting others, they should put a limit on how much a player can make in a year so they don’t make too much. That way they can spread the money out to younger players and everyone would be paid a fair amount instead of some being paid too much and some not enough.  

I would argue that NFL players are being underpaid because of their short career, high risk of long term injuries, and the lifetime of practice, effort, and sacrifice they put in to becoming an NFL player.